Post-Op Instructions

Post-Op Instructions

1. After 24 hours, you may shower and gently wash the wound with a mild cleanser and water.

2. Apply an ointment to the wound 2-4 times a day (Aquaphor, Vaseline/petroleum jelly, Polysporin, Bacitracin, etc.).

3. Cover wound with a non-stick dressing or band-aid, or you may keep wound uncovered if located in a clean area. Change dressing daily at a minimum.

4. In case of bleeding, apply pressure with gauze or a clean wash-cloth for 20 straight minutes without stopping. If bleeding persists, call the office or go to the nearest emergency room.

5. If the wound is red, hot, tender, painful, leaking pus or showing any other sign of infection, or if you are have fever or chills, call the office immediately or go to the nearest emergency room.

6. If you are having pain from the procedure, Tylenol/acetaminophen is the best pain reliever after surgery.

7. Please do not hesitate to call the office with any questions or concerns.
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